Monthly Archives: February 2020
Intelligent System Week 2
Week 2 This week, we learned about uninformed/blind search algorithms. Uninformed search are strategies that order nodes without using any domain specific information. The algorithms we learned today that uses uninformed search are BFS(Breadth First Search), DFS(Depth First Search), Depth-limited … Continue reading
Intelligent System Week 1
Week 1 On the first week, we were introduced to the course materials and tasks. We were also introduced to AI, a brief history of AI, definition of AI and Machine Learning and how they work. AI has 4 components … Continue reading
Database Final Project Report
E-Commerce Solution with Flask & MySQL Introduction From startups to small business all the way to huge brands, businesses are benefiting from e-commerce. Businesses are able to allow easy access to their product or service thanks. Even individuals are able … Continue reading